This past weekend I spent most of my time with my boyfriend. Saturday, we drove up to the cities to drop his roommate off at a bus station to go to Canada. We wandered around the cities some, then drove to Burnsville. We went into the Burnsville Center and visited Cinnibun and some pretzel place. I didn't feel like shopping, so we then went home. When we got home, we hung out until my curfew. I had periods where I would become distant and sad, but he would always try to pull me back to happiness. Most of the time it worked. Or I just hid the sadness. He made me a pizza, and I feel really really bad that I only had about half a slice. I couldn't stand to eat anything more. All I had that day was a piece of banana bread, a Cinnibun, and that half slice of pizza.
The next day, Sunday, I spent at home on the computer. I played PokeMMO (awesome game) with my boyfriend, and just relaxed. I finished up a rough draft for a paper, luckily. I felt so angry for no reason whatsoever that I just wanted to delete the whole thing. When my bf heard that, he asked for a copy so he could back it up. I ended up keeping it, but rewriting it. Then played more PokeMMO.
And now it is Monday. In first hour (Calc 1), I was unable to sit still. I had to be moving, and I couldn't concentrate on the lesson. Also, our teacher must have been wired on caffeine today. But my attention span is non-existent. I'm supposed to be reading articles for English, but I can barely focus on writing this. My mind wanders, and I have to keep moving in some way. If that means typing, then I will type. Aaannndddd now I want to cry. Great. I just wish all of this would go away. For good.
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