Me and Caitlin have Creative Writing together, and its poetry unit right now.
The taste of insanity is a recipe,
One that has been altered.
The package lists it as the same,
But it is clearly unique.
The sound of insanity is the man laughing,
With someone that isn't really there.
Laughing with the friend that has always been there,
But nobody else can see.
The smell of insanity is the natural perfume,
That has gone past its time.
At one point it was certainly nice,
But now could not be passed as pleasant.
The look of insanity is the genetic birthmark,
That has been there since birth.
It has surely been on her face since birth,
But now makes the model unsuitable.
The feel on insanity is the everyday joy,
That nobody else will know.
They hide from things that are deemed inappropriate,
But you find joy in what only you can feel.
I have felt so different lately. I can look at myself in the mirror without disgust. I can accept compliments genuinely. Finally, I am healing. Except for this whole boyfriend thirty minutes away. But hey, you take what you can get. He loves me and treats me well, and I dont want to part with him ♥♥
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