So, I dont have much to write about, but I guess I can just start with this link.
In Colorado and Washington, pot is now legal. I am in support of this. Now, I have never smoked pot, nor is it legal here in Minnesota. But I think that is an excellent way of finding more money for the country if taxed and regulated. Though one main issue is health effects. When used as an adolescent, marijuana has a serious effect. A study showed that teens who smoked pot had a decline of 8 points in IQ by the time they are fully matured. The study showed that those results did not happen if the person started smoking after reaching adulthood.
Most people against legal marijuana say that it can cause a dependence. Yes, it can. Want to know what else causes a dependence? Alcohol. Tobacco. "But its not the same!" No, they arent. Marijuana is better for you than tobacco. In fact, it is possible it helps eliminate some types of cancer. Also, nicotine is far more addictive than the chemicals in pot. Oh, and alcohol is more addictive too. Alcohol lowers a persons inhibitions so they do things that they wouldnt normally do. So if a person seems good and okay on the outside, inside he may want to hurt you. And what if those mental blocks holding him back are lowered? He starts a dunken fight. Or, what if in a normal state of mind, he knows he should not drink and drive. But when those barriers of logical thought are lowered, he gets in his car. 250,000 people have died in alcohol related accidents in the past 10 years. Thats a lot.
But what about marijuana? Overdosing on marijuana is very very hard. In fact, you should be unconscious and puking by the time you come even close to ODing. It mellows people. Instead of going out and punching someone, you mellow out and talk. You're happy. That is part of the reason it is used as medicine in California. It is simply safer for you than alcohol or tobacco.
I believe it can be beneficial to legalize and tax marijuana. I also believe regulations should be in order. My ideas are to make it so it is not to be smoked in public (unless Cannibus coffee shops spring up). This will help people that have some issue with it, and keep the smoke away from pregnant women. Also, I agree with the age 21. At that point, most peoples brains have stopped developing, and cannibus wont have the devastating effects.
So Minnesota (and other states or countries), what do you think?
I agree with most of this, especially the arguments in the last paragraph, and I have no issue with it being legalized. There is one thing that I d have a problem with, and that is the all too common argument that it is safer than alcohol and tobacco. Just because it is safer than two already dangerous things does not make it so that it should be legal. Its like saying driving 90 mph on a highway is safer than driving 60 on an icy day, so driving ninety mph should be legal. A comparison does not justify legalization. In all honesty, alcohol and tobacco shouldn't even be legal, but as we know, that would not work. The problem with legalizing something is that you cannot take it away again, so if it goes badly there isnt anything we can do about it. Not that I'm saying it will go badly, it will probably be fine, I just dont really believe in the argument.
ReplyDeleteOther than that though, I do think it would be beneficial to tax it and such, so it really isnt a bad thing to legalize it.